Jon Eisele
Owner and Founder
Jon Eisele is an FAA Certified Flight Instructor and USPPA certified PPG Instructor, and has trained more than 260 students to date. A lifelong fixed-wing pilot and third-generation aviator, Jon's father taught him how to fly an airplane many years before he learned how to drive a car. The annual EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, WI was also a significant influence in Jon's young life, which further inspired him to pursue a life of aviation. From a young age, Jon set his sights on becoming a Marine Corps aviator and graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2010, where he earned a degree in Aeronautical Science and a commission in the United States Marine Corps.
As a Marine, he served with the 2d Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, NC as a Logitisician and Motor Transportation Officer. During his combat deployment to Sangin, Afghanistan in 2013, he served as an Advisor to an Afghan Nation Army Infantry Battalion, which equipped him with skills that he continues to rely on today as an instructor and consultant. After completing US Army Airborne School, Jon learned how to fly paramotors in 2014, which radically changed his perception of aviation. After exhausting all options at becoming a Marine Corps aviator, he left the Marine Corps as a Captain in 2016 to return to aviation, and joined the team at Aviator PPG in Lake Wales, FL as an instructor. There, he led the training program for nearly three years, and as a founding member of the Paradigm aerobatic team, was instrumental in bringing the first-ever paramotor aerobatics event to a major US air show at AirVenture 2016. After a working apprenticeship, Jon received his USPPA Instructor certification from the legendary Eric Dufour, and then founded ParAmerica in an effort to professionally advance the sport of paramotoring through education, training, and consulting.
Through ParAmerica, Jon has helped train students, mentor instructors, and build several schools throughout the United States and Costa Rica including FlyMiPPG, ParaCosta, Skyfield Flightworks, and "Rocket City". Jon has been featured in Aviator PPG’s Instructional DVD on Ground Handing, as well as FliteTest’s YouTube Series on learning how to fly paramotors. He also completed the 2018 Icarus-X race in Florida, where he proudly represented Resurgence PPG, a 501c non-profit established for the purposes of guiding wounded military veterans to overcome life challenges through the sport of powered paragliding.
Jon then earned his FAA CFI rating and joined the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) as the Flight Programs Manager in 2019, where he managed daily flight operations, the EAA Sport Pilot Academy, various AirVenture airshow operations, EAA’s Pioneer Airport, and national air tour operations for EAA’s B-17, B-25, Ford Trimotor, and Bell helicopters. During his time at EAA, Jon also stood up a volunteer area in the "South 40", managed the annual Skiplane Fly-in at Pioneer airport, provided flight instruction for the employee flying club, served as the Safety Officer on the flying club board, developed a training curriculum and operating procedures for the Van's RV-12iS, wrote articles about paramotoring for SportAviation magazine, and was featured on EAA's GreenDot Podcast.
In 2021, Jon resumed his personal mission of advancing the sport of paramotoring, and joined the Airythmia aerobatic team which performed at AirVenture that same year. When he’s not flying paramotors, Jon enjoys reading, being outdoors, duck hunting, tailgating at Packers games, and flying airplanes off into the sunset with his dog, Charlie.